Please visit our Vagaro page to book online: The Rosefinch Spa
Get the Vagaro app for iPhone or Android for even easier booking!
Please contact us if you experience any issues booking online. (404) 724-5811 /
Cancellation Policy: We require at least a 24 hour notice to cancel or change a booked service or you risk being charged 50% of the total service cost. To this end, you will be promoted to enter a credit card to book all services.. This card number can also be used for touchless checkout. We absolutely understand that life happens, so this fee will be determined on a case by case basis. We are a very busy spa, your no show not only takes money away from your service provider but also the opportunity for someone else to receive our services. Thank you for understanding the value of all our time and expertise. (Note, when changing or deleting appointments through the app, you will ALWAYS receive a confirmation email of that change.)